An Invitation to Perigon's New Women's Conversation Circles

February 10, 2021

Perigon is launching its new Women's Conversation Circles, and we would love to have you join us.

Date: Thursday, March 18 at 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
Where: Zoom – we'll send out a conference link after you RSVP.

Our Women's Circles are money-themed discussions for women who want to be empowered, educated, and engaged in all the decisions we make regarding our finances.

Women often treat and think about money differently than men. We give differently than men do, we save and spend differently, and we may invest differently. We typically live longer than men and we have unique needs.

Our Women's Circles will cultivate a safe, supportive environment. Everyone in the group will have an equal opportunity to speak, to share their own experiences, to listen to what others are saying, and to learn from the group. The circles are not lectures — no one will be telling you what to do. There are no "should" statements, or judgments. We will all learn from the conversations, taking what we need while leaving what we don't.

During our circles we'll explore topics like charitable giving, aging alone, and talking to our family about money matters. The discussions will weave in learnings about various aspects of our financial lives: retirement, investing, taxes, estate planning and more. This is a work in progress, so expect evolution. We’re open to your suggestions regarding time, themes, and special areas of interest.

We plan to host the circles quarterly via Zoom; we hope to add in-person gatherings when it's safe to do so. Please join us for all, or only come when you can. Our circles are open to Perigon clients and nonclients alike, so feel free to invite a friend.

The topic for our first circle is: Our Money Stories: Learn Where Money Attitudes Come From, and When to Adapt Them

Date: Thursday, March 18 at 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
Where: Zoom – we'll send out a conference link after you RSVP.

The Zoom room will open at 3:50 p.m. PT and we will start promptly at 4:00; no stragglers will be admitted. We promise to end on time at 5:30.

Want to join us? Send us an email and we'll add you to the mailing list for this and future events. Please feel free to share with female friends and family who may also be interested in being part of this group. Space will be limited to keep the circles intimate, but we may add sessions as need arises.

Written by Perigon Wealth

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