Saving and Spending Policies: How to Set Rules in Advance to Help Make Better Decisions in the Moment

August 10, 2021

Perigon is hosting our next Women’s Conversation Circles session, and we would love to have you join us.

Date: Wednesday, September 8 at 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
Where: Zoom – we’ll send out a conference link after you RSVP.

Every day we receive mail, email or maybe even text messages from folks that want our money.  Maybe it is your favorite store tempting you to buy again, or a charity organization hoping you’ll donate.  It could be someone trying to get you to spend more than you were planning to, or make you feel obligated to buy something.

There are always more ways to spend our money — but knowing how much to spend, or even being able to say “no” to something, can be extremely difficult.

A great way to stay on budget and become financially successful is to create financial planning “policies” for yourself — determining a set of rules that help you create accountability, discipline and security.

Join us for our next Women’s Circle as we discuss Financial Planning Policies.  We’ll talk about creating policies as a tool for making decisions in the face of uncertainty.  Policies are not values, observations, goals, or action items.  They’re essentially guardrails: They help us plan in advance to make effective decisions in the moment.

Date: Wednesday, September 8 at 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
Where: Zoom – we’ll send out a conference link after you RSVP.

Please be prompt.  The Zoom room will close to new participants at 4:05; latecomers are a distraction.  We promise to be done at 5:30 pm PT.

Please feel free to share with other female friends, colleagues, or family members who would be interested in joining this group.

Circle space is limited to keep the circles intimate and to let everyone who wants to participate have the time to do so.

Want to join us? Send us an email and we’ll add you to the mailing list for this and future events. 

Written by Perigon Wealth

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